Schuylkill Connects

Serving the local communities of Schuylkill County since 1988.

Support Our Community With Us

Helping Our Community

Schuylkill Connects is involved with hundreds of county residents in projects that make a difference in their lives.


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Item Highlight

Here we can place a highlight for a specific service, event or something cool happening, with Schuylkill Connects. This will make the site more dynamic and have a section we can regularly change to increase engagement.


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Connecting Our Community

Schuylkill Connects builds effective collaborations with partners and other community organizations that take on some of the big issues in Schuylkill County.

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Formerly Schuylkill County's Vision

While we may not have the same name, we have the same great mission of helping Schuylkill County by connecting community organizations to resources to help create a better future for Schuylkill County.

Learn why we have become Schuylkill Connects.


Upcoming Events

Schuylkill Connects Projects

We have a variety of projects and initiatives we are involved with and have been involved with in the past. Schuylkill Connects has had the honor to work with a variety of people, nonprofits, businesses, and government organizations to help improve our communities.

"For everybody in their busy lives, you need to invest in sharpening your tools, and you need to invest in longevity."

- Ryan Holmes

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